Thursday, November 24, 2016

Conservation, Education, and Beautification with Mounted Butterflies

Butterflies have always been synonymous with beauty. Who doesn’t love their intricate patterns in an almost infinite combination of colors, or how they fly with elegance? They’re so beloved, in fact, that butterfly sanctuaries have been established all over the world to conserve these lovely creatures and to educate people about them as well.

Besides watching these insects flit in your garden or visiting a sanctuary, however, there’s a wonderful way to appreciate their beauty for years to come— by having mounted butterflies in your home, or giving them as a gift. Not only do they make thoughtful presents for yourself and other people, but they come with several advantages as well.


Collecting and preserving butterfly specimens have long been an excellent way of conservation as well as documenting biodiversity. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Framed Butterflies can Enhance Your Home’s Interior and Experience

Butterflies are majestic creatures, characterized by different wing patterns and beautiful colors. Thanks the subtle techniques of framing butterflies, you can now bring their beauty to the forefront in your home.

The Process

In order to truly appreciate these frames’ beauty, let’s look at how they are made. Adult butterflies are either captured alive or found dead, as long as their body remains intact. Their structure is preserved, using special envelopes. Read more on this article: